Resource Library
Infopool UK Impact Report
In April 2023, Prostate Cancer Research (PCR) launched the infopool to support people living with prostate cancer. At the one-year mark, we worked with PCR to create a report that quantifies and tells the story of the impact achieved by infopool.
Data, Impact, and Payment Systems
In this webinar, Sebastian Arciniega of iATS Payments and the Sowen team discuss the crucial role of data in social impact and how specialized payment systems for nonprofits enable these critical activities.
Think Like a Business (ish)
What habits can nonprofits and foundations adopt from the private sector to increase their impact? An engaging, practical webinar to learn how to amplify your nonprofit's impact by adopting proven best practices from the for-profit sector.
Empowering Change: Reflecting on Me Too today and into the future
Join us as we delve into Dani’s dynamic journey as the leader of me too and an exploration of how we can create a more equitable and inclusive world.