Sowen thinks.

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FREEST’s Journey from Mission to Action

Last Fall, Anna Ellington, my Board Chair, and I presented at the East Asia Regional Council of Schools Leadership Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, to a room filled with dynamic school administrative leaders. Our goal was to galvanize an international school community movement to prevent human trafficking by increasing awareness and encouraging action.

Here is what we learned.

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Good Tech Fest 2024

I recently attended the 2024 Good Tech Fest at the scenic Sundance Resort in Utah. This three-day event was a melting pot of ideas, where individuals from diverse backgrounds united with a common goal: to leverage data and technology for the betterment of the world. From roundtable discussions to keynote speeches and even casual conversations over dinner, the topics spanned privacy, immigration, mental health, governance, agriculture, art, and more.

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Overcoming Data- Procrastination

Data procrastination is a real issue. There are three specific reasons why we usually procrastinate on addressing the data needs and growth of our organizations. The good news is that there are also clear things we can do about it. This is where you should get started.

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Creating Data-Driven Change

Organizations need an event to break the patterns of repetitive behaviors, activities and transition into a state of surplus of change dynamics. There are no rules about what this event is, how long it should take to form meaningful and sustainable change. The where and how matter a lot less than the triggering of a fundamental, sustainable change itself.

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About Keeping Consultants Honest

In our client engagements, it's not uncommon for partners to request a detailed hourly rate breakdown during the scoping phase. Typically, this stems from internal financial protocols necessitating such granularity. However, this request often signals a starting point where transactional value and limited trust are prioritized. Understanding and navigating this dynamic is critical for fostering a successful collaboration.

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